Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Visit from now on please

By the Grace of Allah Tala we are moving to our much awaited site: Your Duas are our inspiration. May Allah Tala provide all of us the ability to Serve Deen. May He Provide us to do it in the right way and with Sincerity. May Allah Tala forgive our mistakes and finally Grant us! Ameen.... Please send us your suggestions about the new site at: careislam[at]

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dua for Achieving Love of Allah Tala

This Dua is the one described in Hadith. Every Muslim should recite it with Great Enthusiasm to achieve the Love of Allah Tala. Imagine - the Lord of this Universe offering His Love to His servants. What an opportunity for us. O Allah Pour Your Blessing on Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam and His blessed Companions Who informed about You to us:

O Allah! Provide me Your Love and Provide me Their Love Whom You Love. Provide me the Deeds which reaches me to (i.e. attains) Your Love. O Allah! Make Your Love to me more Dear than my own self, wealth, family members and cold water. Ameen!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Three Graves

One pious man describes, Once I saw three graves on a high place. In every grave there were some verses written.

On the first grave it was written: "The person who knows that one day he has to return to Allah Tala- answer for his deeds and would be rewarded or punished accordingly - How can he engage himself in the luxuries of this world?"

On the second grave it was written: "The person who believes that one day death will snatch away all his worldly belongings and all authority and make him a resident of grave - How can such person be absorb in sensual pleasures of this world to such high extent?"

On the third grave it was written: "The person who is well aware that one day it is a must that he has to reach the grave and all his youth, beauty and flesh in the body will disappear, on the reliance of what is he so engrossed in the worldly affairs so lavishly?"

Seeing this the pious man asked a Shaykh about these three graves. The Shaykh informed him that these three are the graves of three brothers. One was a soldier, one a businessman and another was a very pious and noble man. The Shaykh further described:

When the pious and noble man's death drew near, his two brothers brought a huge amount of money and asked him to make Sadaka. The noble brother replied, I do not need your money for Sadaka, however, you make a promise to me. And I hope you would keep the promise. Then he told them, After my death bury me on a high place and write these verses on my grave.
The Shaykh said, the first verses which you read are on the grave of that noble brother. The Shaykh continued, the noble brother also asked his two brothers to regularly visit his grave - at least once a day. After the death of the noble brother, his two brothers continued to do as their brother requested them to. On the third day of visiting the grave of the noble brother, his two brothers heard a very loud metallic noise. The soldier dreamt the noble brother at the very night and asked, what was that heavy sound in your grave dear brother? The noble brother replied, I was then being asked why I hadn't helped one needy, when he was oppressed.

This dream made the soldier very worried. In the morning he called his brother (the business man) and told him that he believes that the verses on their brother's grave are for teaching great lesson. The soldier resigned from his service and started absorbing him in worship of Allah Tala completely.

Then one day death of the soldier drew near. Upon the news of illness of his brother, the business man met him. He asked his ailing brother for some advice. The soldier replied, I do not have any wealth that I can make a will; however, I request you one thing. Bury me beside our brother and write these verses on my grave. The Shaykh continued, you have seen the verses on the second grave - that is the soldier's. Before the death the soldier requested his brother to visit his grave till three days regularly and asked him to make dua. After the death of the soldier, the businessman regularly started visiting the grave and on the third day he started weeping beside his brother's grave. Suddenly he heard a huge sound coming from the grave. Instantly he returned home very frightened. At night the soldier came to meet him in his dreams. The business man asked him, O dear brother have you come to meet us? The soldier replied, Is this the time to meet? I am living in my permanent residence. The business man asked his brother, How did Allah Tala receive you? The soldier replied, Allah Tala has blessed me with great pleasure. Man achieves great blessing through Tawba. The businessman asked him, where is our noble brother? The soldier replied, He is in the place of Pious Imams. The businessman asked, What should I do now? The soldier advised him, Whatever man send in the life hereafter from this world are received by him after death. Therefore, anticipate this life as valuable.

In the morning the business man woke up and made Tawba from all his sins. He then gave away all his wealth and absorbed in worshiping Allah Tala completely. His son then took control of the business he had. After some time his death drew near. His son came for advice. He advised his son to bury him near his two uncles and write some verses. The Shaykh continued, You have seen the verses on the grave and that is the businessman's. In addition, the businessman advised his son to visit his grave the consecutive three days after his death and seek forgiveness. After the death of the businessman, his son did so as advised. On the third day of visit, the son heard a loud noise in his father's grave. At night he dreamt his father. His father advised him, O Son! You are meeting us soon. However, after death it is not possible that you prepare yourself. Don't waste time in this world being caught in the trial and tests. Many were making big plans in the world. They had to die before their plans came into reality. All the repentance after death could not benefit them. (Be careful!) Your outcome may not be the same. Therefore O Son! Don't neglect! Don't neglect any more!

Waking up in the morning the son called all family members and told them, I think my time has ended. He payed all debts and gave away the rest of his wealth away. On the third day he faced the Qibla and reciting the Kalima Shahadat he passed away.

From Nujhatul Bastin

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dua My Friend - It is Dua

Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam has made utmost efforts throughout his noble life to show the Light of Hidayat to His Ummah. His Noble Life has been so vividly depicted in the Hadith described by His Noble-Companions the Sahaba-ye-Keram Radiallahu Anhum! We with all our sins must NOT at all be frustrated and get depressed. Let us make Tawba and strive on the path shown by Our Beloved Nabi Sallallahu Alaiyihi wa Sallam. Dua - my friend is One Great Solution to all problems, worries and obstacles of Muslim Life. No specific time, No specific place, No specific situation is required - Just Make Dua! Allah Tala is listening. He is our ONLY LORD to whom we belong. Allah Tala, in Sura Qiyamah States: Meaning: Towards your Lord is the destiny that day (of everyone) This life is nothing but an Opportunity. Now you are here. in this world, after some moments/days/weeks/years (Don't expect decades and centuries....!!!!) I and you will not be in this world my friend! No one will probably discuss me in his meeting and moments. For that time is the preparation. Going back to our discussion: Dua my Friend - is Solution to all difficulties. Seek the Guidance of Allah Tala! Hazrat Thanvi (R) once said, if one cannot make dua, he should seek the ability to make dua. See what Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam informed: "One who has been provided the ability of making dua, for him the door of acceptance has also been opened." In another narration, it has been mentioned, "For him the door of Paradise (Jannah) has been opened." In another narration, it has been mentioned, "For him the door of Blessing (Rahmah) has been opened." A Wonderful Dua: "O Allah! It is Your Ability - Sustain me in bliss and into Your Blessing provide me some room and end my life being on Your obedience and in the best of Good Deeds provide me death and Provide me its reward in Paradise" - (Dua collected from 'Munajate Makbool: the book in which Hazrat Thanvi (R) has collected Dua from Quran and Hadith, available in PDF in We must first make dua for ourselves, then for our near and dear ones. And also for the whole Ummah or Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam. How blessed those servants are who at the middle of night stand in front of their Lord and weep like Genuine Sinners. O myself! Don't ever even think that they are similar to you who after sinning the whole day become tired and sleep like a bitch! They indeed are the Friends of Allah Tala who has attained proximity of Allah Tala. The Love of Allah has entered into their noble heart and made them so unconscious of this trivial world that they become totally oblivion. They are indeed the ones who will be Highly Rewarded. O myself! If you had the bit sense about their status! O Allah! Don't deprive us! Who will forgive us (the sinners) if You only shower Bounty on Your closest of Friends. Definitely You shower Bounty upon us as well. However, for our misdeeds, we cannot understand if. Please provide us the understanding and provide us ability to earn Your Love! Ameen.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How will be my end?

Hazrat Shibli (R) used to say, "O the Lord of Unseen! If I knew what is my status to You? And how would You treat me finally? O the One Who Forgives sins and change the heart! How is going to be my end!"

Then he would recite the following words:

"Oh! Only if I knew how my discussion goes on - is it in positive or negative? Is it with hatred or with praise? By the Lord - Who knows all the secret matters! Oh! if I only knew what would be my situation on the Day of Resurrection? Oh if I knew whether I'll die with belief or with kufr (disbelief)? Do you think whether my request would be accepted or not? Or whether my heart will be broadened? Oh! If I only knew whether I'll enter into Hell or Heaven! You people better stop praising me! Because I know my state quite well."

From 'Nujhatul Basatin" of Hazrat Yafeyi Yamini (R)

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